Welcome to our site.
We aim to provide the very best nature can offer in organic skin healing balms, gels, infused herbal oils floral waters, massage oils and lip balms made with pure natural botanical organic ingredients.
We offer a chemical free approach to treating skin problems, our range of herbal balms and gels have been developed to treat acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, rashes, wounds, bites, stings and other persistent skin complaints.
Our products contain no petrochemicals or synthetic ingredients, petrochemicals are carcinogenic and are linked to serious health problems and should be avoided ie: petroleum jelly based balms & gels,parabens and mineral or parrafin oil products.
Live in harmony with your enviroment so that the energy surrounding you works for you rather than against you.

Certified organic products are processed to stict standards set out by the organic associations and are subject to anual inspections to assure products are genuine organic products. All certified products will carry the organic logo on the label so consumers know they are buying true organic products.
Phyto Organics & Miessence organic skincare, cosmetics & body care.
MiEnliven,TriVortex, Cellfood.
Coming Soon
We will be adding more natural and organic products that we have researched and tested over the next few months, so please check back at a later date.
NEWS New name change Phyto Organics & a new direction with our products.